Everyone has a story…

Isn’t it exciting that you get to decide how your story will unfold?

Therapy in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida

Let’s Talk

Stories are the shortest distance between us and truth. So, when we understand and uncover these stories, we gain the opportunity to understand maybe we need a new story.

~Chris Cade

Once upon a time, you had it all figured out. The future held so much promise. Then came marriage, kids, work, endless obligations…

Slowly but surely everyone and everything became more important. One by one, personal goals and dreams fell by the wayside.

And then one day you wake up to the realization that life hasn’t turned out as planned. A voice deep inside whispers, with a glimmer of hope…

“It’s not too late.”

Uncover your best story

Change the life patterns that have you feeling stuck. Regardless of where you are today, everything you need to create your best life is already with in you. Your work is to uncover it.

You begin… right here and right now!

What if I’m scared?

That’s normal. Change is scary. But, it’s also exciting. Growth and change happen outside of comfort zones. Learning to lean into uncomfortable emotions is a beautiful process that teaches everyone the valuable lessons unique to their own journey.

There is a surrendering to your story and then a knowing that
you don’t have to stay in your story.

~Colette Baron Reid

What if I don’t think change is possible?

That’s fear talking. Change is a decision. Inspired by a vision. Guided by clear goals. Put into action with small steps. Change becomes realistic when a clear, achievable vision is unveiled.

Therapy can equip you with the “seemingly secret” tools that make change not only possible, but probable.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

~ Confucius

Call (850) 604-0040 now to schedule your
free consultation and learn how I can help you
create your own unique path to healing.

Let’s Talk

Hi, I’m Melissa

Melissa R. Baker, LCSW

More About Me

I’m glad you’re here. The simple fact that you’re reading this is a good sign that you’re ready for change. It’s quite possible that you aren’t even sure what exactly you’re looking for. But you’re looking and that is the first step.

Knowing that something is missing yet being unsure of what can be both confusing and frustrating. Despite meeting all the important markers that symbolize a successful life. One persisting question remains. “Is this all there is?”

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the answer is a resounding “NO.” There’s more, so much more!

Part of the journey of therapy is to discover what’s missing. Uncover what’s within. And often recover what may have been lost along the way.

Creating a new vision for your life is possible at any point in the journey. In fact, it’s kind of rebellious. Break the rules. Be unconventional. Reinvent yourself at any stage of the game.

Call (850) 604-0040 today to
schedule a free consultation.

If we determine that I’m not the right fit for you, I will do my best to
help you find a therapist who is.

I would love to hear your story… and uncover your best life.

Let’s Talk