Individual Therapy

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story.

~Maya Angelou

Deep within us all lives a story…

There are so many pieces to every story. And all the little details hold meaning. Through the process of sharing your story, you become empowered, aware, and open to the possibility of change.

Whatever struggles you are facing – know this: You don’t have to face them alone!

A safe place to share YOUR story…

One of the most beautiful aspects of the therapeutic process is the opportunity to tell your story… YOUR WHOLE STORY… and to be heard.

That’s what makes therapy so much more than simply talking to a friend or family member. It’s not an advice session or a place where you’ll hear phrases like, “You should do this” or “You should do that.”

My role in your journey is to provide a safe space, free of judgment and expectations. A space that will allow for the vulnerability to dig deep as well as the courage to change and grow.

It’s true, you may cry during the process. It’s also true that you will likely laugh and experience a myriad of emotions in between.

I wish I could tell you that I have all the answers you’re searching for. That I’ll wave my magic wand and poof… all is well…

The truth is you have all the answers. The key is to peel back the layers and reveal the hidden treasure that has always been within you.

Are you ready to change your story?

Step into your new story today…

Call (850) 604-0040 now to schedule your free consultation and learn how I can help you create your own unique path to healing.

Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is
the bravest thing that we will ever do.

~Brené Brown